
Rihanna bekommt eigene Straße auf Barbados

Henrik von Tenspolde
Profilbild von Henrik (Foto: SWR DASDING)

Wenn Rihanna heim nach Barbados fliegt, besucht sie da meistens ihre Familie. Dieses Mal hat sie außerdem ihre eigene Straße eingeweiht.

Dass eine Straße auf Barbados nach Rihanna benannt werden soll, wussten wir schon. Jetzt wurde der "Rihanna Drive" dann aber eingeweiht.

Die Zeremonie dazu fand am barbadischen Unabhängigkeitstag statt. Und obwohl es in Strömen geregnet hat, sind lokale Politiker und viele Fans zu der Einweihung gekommen.

a day my people and I will never forget! all the lessons, running around barefoot, nosey neighbors, braiding hair on the step, playing in the cemetery, walking to the beach, rum shop karaoke keeping the whole street awake til 4am ("only the lonely" by Roy Orbison is playing in my head as I type this) , stealing Sammy pomegranates from his tree, begging my mother to let me walk to Jan's shop cause she had American snacks, selling plastic/glass bottles to Peter so I could buy those American snacks, getting my hair hot combed for Harvest at church, doing my homework on my front step while Miss Hyacinth yells "ya gon get belly hurt from dat cold step" across from her veranda, watching iFE walk past with her dreads dragging on the floor like a couture gown, all the times I thought Melissa came to hang out with me, turns out she was dating my next door neighbor all along, rushing to do dishes when my mother's high heels start hitting the pavement as she gets off the bus from work......right here on this street! WESTBURY is more than a community, we're family!!! Thank you for all that you've poured into my life and the woman I am! It takes a village, and I'm glad my village was you!!!! To God be the Glory!!!! #RiRiDrive

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